Contribute & Support

Mutual Support Philosophy

Asking for money in return for something I am happy to give or happy to do has never felt right to me. The world of money itself for that matter has never resonated with what I see to be true.

I have an internal awareness of being connected to all beings, I see humanity and beyond as my family, I see the world and the universe as my home. I see a potential way of living that reflects this awareness, so therefore it is my intention to help create that by living that way myself, and I am inviting you to join me. 

  • In seeing the earth as my home and humanity as my family, I wish to offer my support as though we are family and to trust that I will be supported.

    I believe it’s possible for us to live in a way that we can happily offer whatever we wish without even having the thought of whether or not something would be given in return. This is the ideal which I aspire to move towards.

    I know that when we are truly taken care of, when we are happy, healthy, and whole, nothing gives us greater satisfaction than to be in service to others. I see that the fear surrounding money and scarcity has robbed us of our natural generosity, prosperity, and abundance.

    I have found a way for myself to practice this principle, to live in alignment with this innate truth, and yet still be involved with money and exchange. However, I am involving myself in a way that carries the intention to facilitate a world where this obligatory exchange of currency is no longer necessary.

    I am choosing to offer my knowledge, experience, skills, support, and wisdom to whomever wishes to receive it, and I am asking to be supported in that choice. Therefore, financial compensation is not an absolute requirement to work with me, I am simply asking for it to support this practice.

    I am trusting in humanity, trusting in the Universe, trusting in the Divine. I trust that as long as I give what I have to share without question or hesitation, everything I need to be able to offer my gifts to the world will be provided for me.

    Therefore I have come up with rates for each category that simply reflect the skills, knowledge, and energy I have to offer, an amount that would best support me, as well as what's appropriate and relatively common in each field of work; but they are not required transactions.

    Above all, I wish to make myself available and accessible, so if you are unable to support me in the way that I am asking, I do not want that to be a deterrent from choosing to seek what I have to offer.

    Ultimately, I am here to give. I ask for support so I can continue to give and show up in this world as the highest expression of my true self, which is my greatest gift.

Reasons To Contribute

Facilitate a Unified Society

I see that a very different world is possible, and it is my intention to help create it. It is very clear to me that the relationship we’ve had with our planet and with each other has been reflective of separation and scarcity consciousness.

This means that we have been acting as if from the fallacious aphorisms of “every man for himself” and “there isn’t enough to go around”. These ideas have permeated and dominated our cultures and societies for millennia. As we grow and evolve consciously and spiritually, we begin to realize the axioms that “we are all one” and that “we have everything we need”.

Truly living and embodying these ideas will produce a world where money, or any type of currency exchange for that matter, is no longer necessary. Through the dissemination of what’s true, the practice of self-responsibility, and the deliberate choice to create from Unity Consciousness, we can, we will, and we are creating a world where every living being and the planet herself is respected, honoured, and revered. 

    • Clean and pristine water, soil, and air

    • Intelligent and wise use of our resources

    • An abundance of food grown in natural environments

    • Studying and working with the natural cycles of life, the earth, and the cosmos itself

    • Freedom for everyone to explore their essence and serve the whole by offering their authentic gifts

    • Living in harmony with nature while simultaneously utilizing the power of clean technologies, creating more time and space for us to focus on what we deem important and necessary for the highest good of all

    It is my solemn vow to devote my life and my efforts to facilitating such a world.

    I know that it is not only possible, but inevitable!

    Therefore, by donating to me you are choosing to contribute to the actualization of this vision.

    Together let us usher in a world reflective of our true home. Let us be the midwives for the arrival of a genuine paradise. Together, not only are we capable, but we are destined. Make it so!

Donations for Creations

All of my creations are intended to illuminate, educate, and liberate whoever chooses to receive them.

Throughout the years, I have explored many different forms of expression and avenues of sharing truth and love. I’ve created a podcast, a YouTube channel, Instagram content, written many songs, many essays, a few short stories, as well as worked on three different books (an autobiography, a fiction, and a sacred text). 

With your support I can put more of my time and effort into these projects.

Make my work available

Since I am operating under the guidance of what I call the Mutual Support Philosophy, I am willing to offer my work without a requirement of compensation. I do not subscribe to the idea that there needs to be an equal exchange for every transaction, which means that by supporting me and my work you are making it possible for someone else to receive.

Thank you for participating in the proof-of-concept for the Mutual Support model of living.

Ways to Contribute

  • Interac E–transfer: to

  • Cash: at the door for in-person events

  • Patreon: Become a monthly supporter (click link below)

  • Paypal: Make a one time payment (click link below)

  • Recommend my work or my creations to others

  • Volunteer: If you have skills to offer – such as video/audio editing, website and graphic design, networking, event organization – or would like to collaborate, get in touch to contribute to my creations or support the actualization of the vision.