Community Connections
Connecting with and growing a community is a monumental part of a spiritual practice. Somewhat paradoxically, we often view the spiritual path as individual and yet as we deepen our connection within self, we connect to the Self within us all. As we do our individual work, one of the most effective ways of Self-remembering is through the connection and interaction with other beings who are living consciously.
When and Where: The 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month at 6:30pm in a Unity Sanctuary in Courtenay, BC.
Contact Michael for directions and visit our Facebook group to become a part of the online discussion and community.
What: Satsang is a Sanskrit word that is a combination of two other words: Sat which means ‘purity of truth’ and Sanga which means ‘in group or association’. I have chosen to use this word because I share the intention behind it, which is to gather in truth. It is about seeing what’s true in each moment to more deeply recognize and experience the everlasting truth that is inherent in our being. The foundational perspective we are exploring is one that is beyond all separate perspectives, that of Non-Dualism, Unity Consciousness, or Oneness. This is the premise that our True Nature is of a shared beingness, that we are one divine, eternal being experiencing itself in an infinity of different ways.
What it may look like: We gather to discuss, practice, and embody the Knowing of our non-dual nature. As it often goes, we arrive and begin to settle into a circle formation. As we settle into the space, I lead the group in a grounding and unifying meditation. Each person is afforded the opportunity to share some words, thoughts, or feelings as we go around the circle. We then engage in an active free-flowing discussion that is sometimes guided by a particular topic that I offer, or one that is recognized as a theme from our shares. It is an expression of the collective consciousness moving through us all. This section can also be punctuated by guided meditations, reconnecting to the body, and moments of silence. This lasts for about one to two hours, we then close the circle and allow some time for everyone to socialize and get to know each other better.
Approach: My role as facilitator typically entails grounding in the essence of the teachings, that we are one loving being purifying and unifying with itself. I open the discussion with a short monologue or an offering of questions or concepts for us to explore. As the discussion unfolds, I observe closely the energy of the circle and steer it back towards the intention if necessary. I play the role of leader as little as possible, interjecting only when the intention of being in truth and facilitating understanding is deviated from. I hold the space, governed by Truth and fuelled by Love.
Contribution: This event is offered in the spirit of Dãna (donation). Head to the Contribute page to view the donation options.
When and Where: We meet on Zoom and/or YouTube the first and third Wednesday of every month at 4pm PST. It will start with a meditation period which will be followed by Q&A.
What: Our shared meditation will be centred around finding our centre, connecting to all parts of ourselves and beyond; to find our shared Unity and connection to the One in All and the All in One. Residing in our shared Being, we deepen and amplify our experience of our divine nature, bringing divinity more into our lives.
What it may look like: The Zoom room will open 15 minutes prior to the starting time. The meditation will begin at 4:05pm and the room will be closed at this time. I will lead a meditation consisting of spoken guidance as well as periods of silence. After the meditation portion, participants will be offered the opportunity to ask a question to me or explore what is alive for them in the moment.
Contribution: This event is offered in the spirit of Dãna (donation). Head to the Contribute page to view the donation options.
Upcoming Events:
May 1st, 2024 @ 4pm PST
May 15th, 2024 @ 4pm PST
Get in touch
All Counselling and Guidance has the option of phone or video calls, everything else is offered solely in-person.
Based in Comox Valley, Vancouver Island (BC, Canada)
Available online across Canada & internationally.
If you have any questions or would like to chat to see if we’re the right fit for each, use the phone number or email shown below.
The Vision
Through the dissemination of what’s true, the practice of self-responsibility, and the deliberate choice to create from Unity Consciousness, we can, we will, and we are creating a world where every living being and the planet herself is respected, honoured, and revered. Together let us usher in a world reflective of our true home.